Lesson 2: Advanced Techniques in Interviewing Skills

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interviewing skills
Interviewing Skills


The objective of this lesson is to empower learners with advanced interviewing techniques that enable more effective, nuanced communication and evaluation skills. By mastering these sophisticated methods, learners will enhance their ability to conduct interviews that yield deeper insights, build rapport, and make informed decisions in professional settings.

Comprehensive Content Overview:

Smart Life Skills

Interviewing skills encompass a range of abilities from preparing questions to actively listening and interpreting non-verbal cues. In this advanced lesson, we will explore:

  • Strategic Questioning: Crafting questions that delve beneath the surface..
  • Active Listening: Techniques to fully engage with the interviewee..
  • Reading Non-Verbal Cues: Understanding the unspoken elements of communication..
  • Managing Difficult Conversations: Navigating sensitive topics and handling challenging interviewees..
  • Interview Flow: Maintaining the conversation’s momentum and direction..
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting diversity and avoiding bias..
  • Post-Interview Analysis: Evaluating the interview to glean maximum insights..

In-depth Explanations with Actionable Insights:

Strategic Questioning To extract deeper insights, use the ‘Funnel Technique’. Start with broad questions, then narrow down to specifics. For example:

Funnel Stage Question Type Sample Question Open Broad, open-ended Can you tell me about your experience in customer service? Intermediate Probing What specific strategies did you employ to handle difficult customers? Closed Specific, closed-ended How many customer service complaints were you able to resolve last quarter?

Active Listening Active listening involves fully concentrating on the speaker, understanding their message, providing feedback, and withholding judgment. Practice reflective listening by summarizing the speaker’s words and asking ...

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