Lesson 10: Global Perspectives on Upward Communication Skills

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The objective of this lesson is to provide adult learners with a comprehensive understanding of upward communication skills within a global context. We aim to explore the nuances of communicating effectively with superiors across different cultures and organizational structures. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify cultural considerations, adapt their communication strategies accordingly, and effectively convey information, feedback, and ideas to higher-level management in various international settings.

Comprehensive Content Overview:

Smart Life Skills

Upward communication refers to the flow of information from lower levels of a hierarchy to higher levels. It is a crucial component of any organization as it ensures that decision-makers are aware of ground realities and employee concerns. This flow can include reports, suggestions, feedback, and grievances. In a global context, upward communication skills are nuanced and can differ significantly between cultures.

In-depth Explanations with Actionable Insights:

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding cultural norms and values is essential in global upward communication. For example, in high-context cultures (like Japan), communication relies heavily on implicit messages and context, whereas low-context cultures (like Germany) prioritize explicit, clear communication.
    • Actionable Insight: Before communicating upward in a high-context culture, one should observe non-verbal cues and understand the indirect manner of conveying messages. Conversely, in a low-context environment, ensure that your communication is direct and detailed..


  • Power Distance: ...
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