The goal of this lesson is to explore the duality of employee skills by dissecting the methodical (science) and creative (art) aspects required in the modern workplace. By the end of this session, learners will be able to identify, develop, and balance both sets of skills, enhancing their professional toolkit for better adaptability and performance in diverse work scenarios.
Comprehensive Content Overview:
Employee skills are generally categorized into hard and soft skills. Hard skills are teachable abilities or skillsets that are easy to quantify, such as proficiency in a foreign language or computer programming. In contrast, soft skills are more related to one’s personal attributes and character traits, such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. Both sets are crucial and must be balanced to succeed in the workplace.
In-depth Explanations with Actionable Insights:
Let’s explore some key employee skills through the lens of both the art and science behind them.
- Communication: The science lies in understanding the communication models and theories, while the art is about the delivery, empathy, and ability to read non-verbal cues. For example, consider the feedback process. A methodical approach might involve using the ‘Situation-Behavior-Impact’ (SBI) feedback model, while the artful aspect might involve tailoring your tone and body language to the recipient..
- Problem-Solving: The methodical side involves using structured frameworks like the ...